1. Everyone regarded De La Salle as being the luckiest school because it was right next to People’s Park
Even if it was the site of this kind of tomfoolery.
2. But people who went to Newtown were the envy of everyone in the town because they had a swimming pool
Like an American high school or something!
3. Rumours also swirled around about Newtown having an *actual* cafeteria
A cafeteria that served things like lasagne and chicken curry, no less.
Meanwhile, every other school was lucky if they had a vending machine or a kettle to boil water.
4. Everyone dreamt of being able to go to Canton Takeaway for lunch
Fact: a sea of maroon uniforms could be seen outside Canton every week.
5. There was a fierce (and occasionally hockey-based) rivalry between the Ursuline, Mercy, Presentation and Stella Maris
6. Waterpark was the unofficial Rugby School…
7. While De La Salle and Mount Sion were allll about the hurling
8. There was much excitement when De La Salle and Waterpark began admitting girls*
*Albeit on a very limited basis.
Suddenly repeating the Leaving Cert didn’t seem that bad.
9. Because all anybody wanted was to go to a mixed school
Like those lucky bastards in Abbey Community College.
*shakes fist*
10. The only time people from different schools crossed paths was on half days when everyone would congregate in Red Square and just sort of hang around The Book Centre
And uniforms of every hue — red, royal blue, maroon, black — would be on display.
11. Or when you ventured to the local teen disco night
In the likes of South, Electric Avenue or Oxygen.
Innocent times.
12. Many people got their first boyfriend/girlfriend through the De La Salle College Musical
Think of it as Waterford’s very own High School Musical.
13. You still remember your trips to K Sport well
Jumper getting too small? Sleeves a bit raggedy?
Off to K Sport with you.
14. And even though your Mam told you at the time that your school’s uniform was the nicest of the lot, you realise in hindsight that they were all pretty bad
Signed, Someone Who Wore a Bright Red Jumper Every Day For 14 Years
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